docFreak The multi-tabbed word processor and Personal KnowledgeBase download | buy | faq docFreak: store, hyperlink and organize all your important Docs, Notes and Knowledge into 1 single file Easy to share, publish and backup while No Internet connection is needed to work with docFreak! docFreak is a multi-tabbed word processor and a Personal KnowledgeBase that combines text, popup-notes, images, office, audio and video into 1 single portable document file (easy to share, publish and backup) and visualizes the content by a tree. Easy to combine, hyperlink and organize (using drag and drop) with other file types and software. (into that same 1 single file) like: Word, Excel, Pdf, images, audio, video and more. Easy to attach to webservers, Wiki's, SharePoint, Confluence and the likes. Easy to publish and share (secure). Easy to search through fast. Easy to maintain because all your content is inside 1 single file. Easy to backup because all your content is inside 1 single file. Easy to handover and transfer because all your content is inside 1 single file. Easy to remember and retrieve for the things you did once (but do not want to forget)..... Easy to scale: docFreak documents can be small <1MB and can be HUGE >24GB while being extremely fast. docFreak is: intuitive, very fast, tabbed edditing, a single file, portable, fun to document and to work with. The best way to experience this luxury and comfort is to download docFreak (no need to register/no ads)! contact terms, conditions and privacy policy