One Easy SUPER doc, with optional AI
+ FREE multi-tabbed Word processor
+ Note Taking
+ Personal KnowledgeBase
Updated: 5 Mar 2025
+ Write excellent, good looking, extremely easy to read, find and share Documents, Notes and Knowledge articles.
+ Enhance spelling, grammar, summarize, make formal/informal and translate with optional built-in AI.
+ Save, organize, structure and optionally share your knowledge.
+ Find answers with AI and mix them straight into your Docs, Notes and saved Knowledge.
+ Combine/embed and mix it with your existing Microsoft Office, Pdf, Audio and Video files.
+ Store anything you want into 1 (or more if you prefer so) Easy SUPER doc(s) and get rid of your separate file mess.
You can have it too, for FREE on your own desktop offline.
No ads, no need to register - just download and try!